The Matthew 25:40 Project

‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these . . . you did for me.”


Who we are

Blessed To Be A Blessing

The Matthew 25:40 Project

While going through a very challenging time in her family life, Dr. Jessica Cox, answered the call to care for women, children, and the oppressed the way Jesus instructs His followers to do in the gospel. This led her to create The Matthew 25:40 Project and to partner with other like-minded organizations dedicated to helping women. The Matthew 25:40 Project works to help women learn to use the Bible as their compass and to teach them how to allow the Lord to lead their every decision through Bible study, prayer, and fellowship with other believers.

Our goal is to be the bridge between the heart of God and those He calls us to serve.

What Drives Us

Our Mission

The Mission of the Matthew 25:40 Project is to be bridge builders between the heart of God and women, children, and the oppressed.  

Partner With Us

Please consider partnering with us by making a tax-deductible donation to The Matthew 25:40 Project.

Get In Touch

If you’d like to know more about The Matthew 25:40 Project we would love to hear from you. Please send us an email and a member of the team will be in touch.